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Welcome to Jaguar Speed Inc.
The Jaguar Speed Mission
The mission of Jaguar Speed Inc. is to provide tutoring, mentoring, health and nutrition information, exercise programs, physical fitness education, and training for underserved at-risk children, young adults, and adults in our community. We will address literacy, fitness, and affordable housing problems by providing tutoring, training, track and field teams, T&F events, financial management, and social service referrals to all who need help in our community..
JS Inc. believes that children are the future, and Track and Field can begin in pre-school, elementary, middle school, high school and beyond. Because Track and Field is a lifelong sport and it will help you keep a healthy mind, body and soul. We also believes Education is the key to success in whatever you choose to do. With this is mind Jaguar Speed Inc. goals were developed.
1) Development of future track athletes
2) Development of the JS Track League
3) Expand track and field as a sport
4) Further development of the tutoring programs
5) Education/College Prep program
Because Jaguar Speed Inc. recognized its track team member’s parents and the single parent households in the community need for stability, Jaguar Speed Inc. plans to provide information on home grants, home loans, financial planning, and affordable housing. The JS Affordable Housing Program will target 1st time buyers, informing them about HUD programs (loans and rehabilitation), city and county grants and loans, financial management assistance, and transitional housing.
1) Affordable Housing Program
2) Family Emergency Support Program
3) Community Help Program
Jaguar Speed Track and Field Team hold regular practices, participate in track meets/league from September to June. JS serves youths in grades Pre-school to 12th grade. The team travels to meets around the Bay Area and surrounding counties. Jaguar Speed Track plans a five team league to create a routine of team participation.
Community Help Program
Jaguar Speed Inc. plans to help single parents and their children(s) by providing activities, tutoring, mentoring, training, college preparation, emergency services and housing assistance.
Jaguar Speed Inc. Programs
Existing Programs
Grant Program
-Jaguar Speed Scholarship
-Coach Denise West Scholar Athlete
JSI Tutoring
JSI Run-60 Track & Field Invitational
JSI Track and Field Youth Team
We support the school districts’ and schools’ Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) approach of 60 minutes of PE each day and the Education Code Section 51223 requirement of a minimum 200 minutes of PE instruction every ten school days.
Coming Soon
JSI Mentoring
JSI Affordable Housing Program
JSI Construction Training Program
JSI Emergency Support Program
JSI Social Network Program
JSI Community Help Program
JSI Education/College Prep
JSI Track Leagues
For more information about joining a JSI committee, supporting JSI or how to register your child for Jaguar Speed’s programs call or email us at:
For existing programs info.
Denise Williams-West, Dir. (510) 557-0577
Upcoming programs info.
Frank West, (510) 938-7156
General question
Mail to: PO Box 3341, San Leandro, Ca. 94578